
Tag: hop

Jet’s Longest Confirmed AEG Kill Explained

Jet, from DesertFox Airsoft, makes an incredible shot at approximately 220 feet from point to point. This occurred at John Lu’s Army Birthday Combat Experience where Jet had taken up a position on top of a hill. Be sure to check out this timestop to see that even zoomed in, the camera can barely pick up the target, as that is how far away they were. The specifications for Jet’s AEG at that particular event were:

Frank, head tech at Airsoft GI, also takes some time to explain how the Magic Box Miracle Barrels Work. The key with this particular barrel is how the BB sits inside of a steel ramp allowing the BB to make contact at 3 points when being given backspin. This means that the BB is given a more consistent backspin with little side to side variation, which results in a more consistent shot.

Desertfox Airsoft

Magic Box Miracle Barrel

The LED for Madbull’s Ultimate Hop Up is Finally Here!


Madbull has Just Created the Ultimate Hop Up Bucking for your M4/M16!

MB Hop
MB Hop

This Hopup unit is your only choice for your M4/AR style AEG.

3 Functions in 1:

(1) Tracer unit: You can attach a MadBull LED tracer unit on this Hopup unit. This is an optional accessory and will be available soon.

(2) Chamber lock: With this new hop up design you will not have to worry about losing and dropping several bb’s with a magazine change. This new design provides  you with a way to keep bb’s in your AEG and ready to use and not on the floor and even better it stabilizes the top of the magazine to ensure a secure and flawless feed of bb’s into the AEG.
You can take out the oring if you don’t like this function. This function is designed by Brian Holt.

(3) Easy adjust Hopup: Compared to traditional Hopup, our Hopup can be adjust easily.

How To: Assemble M4/M16 Hop Up and Ares DSR Overview