
Tag: bobtheaxeman

AAR Rebel Training Camp: Northern Resistance

training camp northWith the second incarnation of the Airsoft GI’s Rebel Training camp occurring at Gamepod Combat Zone in Antioch, Ca there were a myriad of fun things that we could offer new players and Veterans alike.

gamepod1©2014 Terrence Taylor

Gamepod Combat Zone is the largest indoor training facility in North America and as such they have a wide array of game styles available at their doorstep. Not only that, but the field staff are as professional as they come and are always looking for new and different ways to keep us players on our toes. One of the ways they have accomplished this for Airsoft GI’s Rebel training camp is through the advent and use of destroyable buildings. Gamepod staff rigged four different building with air cannons filled with pancake mix that were connected to audio cable jacks within each building that could then be connected to a detonator and set off. This alone made the day that much more enjoyable and cinematic as our marketing manager Daniel found out first hand when his detonator malfunction and was told by game staff that “it’s real world, so make it count.” Make it count he did, but that story will have to be saved for another day and a different blog post.

gamepod9©2014 Terrence Taylor

Another key component to the days’ events was the training staff. Through connections with Gamepod personnel, we at Airsoft GI were able to connect with SGT Brad XXXX and SSGT Eric XXXX (names withheld for security purposes). These were two first rate individuals and their training was second to none. These gentlemen were both deployed overseas in defense of our country and their desire to pass on their knowledge to the next generation was commendable. In fact, one of the most enjoyable moments for me personally was seeing many of the kids at the event, some of whom were first time players, using the training they had just received on the airsoft battlefield. Seeing young Rebels, who normally would have run screaming at the enemy, instead pie a corner was truly enthralling and very gratifying.

gamepod4©2014 Terrence Taylor

Another exciting element to this training camp was also the fact that vehicles were readily available throughout the day. Many players normally don’t have the opportunity to engage with or against armored components on the airsoft battlefield and introducing this scenario to players was an important part of making this event a success. Now, this comes with a caveat because introducing novice players to a battlefield full of vehicles is always rife with danger. However, because of the number and quality of Gamepod trained referee staff, any danger or confusion was mitigated to the point where players could concentrate on their game play and the enemy engaging them.

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Gamepod Combat zone is one of the finest indoor facilities in the United States of America and I feel privileged to have been able to play there. More AAR’s of Bob “The Axe Man’s” Rebel Training Camp: Northern Resistance are soon to follow and will go over each game evolution in it’s entirety as well as the tactical movement made by each side.

gamepod7©2014 Terrence Taylor

Make sure to stay tuned to Airsoft GI’s Blog because you won’t want to miss out!

gamepod10Check out these Teasers for the Rebel Training Camp: Northern Resistance below!

And here are the finished game play videos!


Bob’s Rebel Training Camp 10/19/2013

One aspect of airsoft that makes the hobby great is the players. Honesty, integrity, and respect are all aspects that make airsoft what it is. Players who follow the rules and call their hits are always appreciated, and it is these qualities that often make the difference between a decent player and a great player.

New players learning the ropes.

Although some veteran players may not realize it; many new players look up to them and are influenced by their actions. When they see a veteran player cheat, or fail to call their hit, then what is to stop the novice player from doing that as well? Everything from airsoft gun and tactical gear choice to behavior on the field affects the airsoft development of the novice generation. Our actions shape the future of airsoft.

Bob “The Axeman” Hildebrand

Airsoft GI is interested in the survival and integrity of airsoft, and so we are hosting Bob “The Axeman”s Rebel Training Camp on October 19 for players with less than a year’s worth of airsoft experience and/or under 18 years old. At this camp, players will be taken under the wing of more experienced players and be shown the basics of movement, shooting, and leadership. This camp will build confidence, which will be beneficial to players in both airsoft, and outside in normal everyday activities.

This event is being hosted at the world famous SC Viper on 10/19/2013, which is a fantastic place for learning airsoft basics.

Airsoft will live and die on its player base, and part of creating a responsible and honest community is introducing positive behaviors in the new player base. One day, these new players are going to be the bulk the airsoft player base, and only by teaching them now will we ensure the future of airsoft.

Rebel Training Camp Tickets

How I learned to stop worrying and love Thunder B’s!

I’ve been playing airsoft for a long time and, when I got started, one of my biggest complaints was that if paintball’ers could have grenades why can’t airsoft’ers have something similar as well?! Now if I remember correctly, the Tippman paintball grenades that I used to use cost $7 when I still played paintball, and that’s a one-time use grenade! Nowadays, these same Tippman grenades go for around $15!!!

So to be clear, you had to be very sure you were gonna get a kill with a paint grenade or at the very least scare the bejeezus out of somebody, otherwise you were out $7 with no actual effect…and that’s embarrassing.

Over time, grenades were developed for airsoft but just about every product put out to market had varying degrees of success until two very important products came out which, in my humble opinion changed the game…
