Scott’s Thoughts: Airsoft Vs Youtube
February 24, 2018
Editor’s Note: This Article was written by Scott Hallenbeck of USAirsoft. For more information on how to find more of his videos and reviews, check out the bottom of the article.
I’m always in a battle between both my love for airsoft and for my love of producing content for YouTube. Finding a balance is nearly impossible and it seems to get more challenging as the USAirsoft YouTube channel grows. I have to make sure my videos are as good as I can make them, Instagram posts (@usairsoftyoutube) must be as frequent as possible, and Facebook should be updated but I admit to being terrible at doing that.
It’s not all bad though! Because of my channel, I’ve been able to do all sorts of things that I never thought were possible. I get to travel, I get to work with people I looked up to, and I get the support of my 80,000 (as of this post) subscribers all the way through the adventures I have. However it’s expected of me to do a lot of things so as many people as possible can benefit off of my channel and other content.

If I don’t film at a certain field on a certain weekend then I can expect to get a couple angry messages. Am I showing one place more love than another for whatever reason or did I not film at all while I played one day? That’s a guaranteed negative comment that will get way too out of hand and it has many times before.
People take what I do very seriously when they really shouldn’t but you’re held up to a higher standard when you start to gather a crowd. I can’t do anything or go anywhere anymore without really thinking about who will get upset about it. I have to weigh the pros and cons and see if I’m welling to go forward with something so I’ll at least step on as few toes as possible. I really wish sometimes that I didn’t care as much who I made upset but that’s just not me. I can’t stand knowing someone dislikes me for a real reason so I’ll do a lot of stupid stuff to make everyone happy no matter what it does to me as a result.
I can’t make everyone happy but I’ll tell you this. When I simply keep all the camera equipment at home and go somewhere to play where not that many people recognize me, that’s a good game day. No one expects anything from me and I can just pretend for a moment that things are back to like they were before I started a YouTube channel.
I appreciate everyone who helps me but I’m sure you understand where I’m
coming from here. However, putting the effort into this little Youtube channel of mine has allowed me to do so many things I couldn’t ever do otherwise, and that makes it all worth it.
-Scott Hallenbeck of USAirsoft
[Scott Hallenbeck is the mastermind behind the YouTube Channel USAirsoft. His channel features unboxings, top notch gameplay, and reviews of new and popular airsoft guns and gear. Check him out HERE]