Game Type Ideas: The Spring Game
June 29, 2017
Continuing with pushing game type ideas to the masses, we have a new post today to demonstrate a simplistic game for players of all ages and experience levels regardless of the replica you may be able to acquire.

As always, these game types are just basic suggestions and you and your friends can tailor each game play idea to create it your own.
In today’s blog, we cover:
Originally, this game type was brought out in the spring time as the climate of Virginia became more sustainable for gas blow back pistol and SMG use alongside basic, spring action shotguns or rifles. Given the nature of many of the guns used for this game type and the weather period in which it was most often played, we simply called it, “The Spring Game”.
Now on to how it works:
3 vs 3 vs 3 vs…. Only teams of 3. Every team vs. Every team.
This game type is continuous, so play until the time runs out. There is no real objective, only a take on all team death match.
30 minutes
Every team will consist of three members. Each member in the team will either have a spring or gas powered, semi-auto weapon. Ammo is limited to one magazine if the weapon is a high cap, or as many pistol magazines as a person has on them. The teams will all take off in different directions for two minutes. At the end of the spawn time of two minutes, the game will begin and all teams will begin combat with the other teams. A player can carry as many spring or gas powered weapons as they wish, but a team member can give another a spare weapon in case one goes down. Otherwise, that team member is out, and will return to the staging area to reload and form up with a new team.
NO AEGs ALLOWED IN THIS GAME (Or so we day, but really that is up to you.)

To re-spawn, a hit player will return to the staging area. Once there are three people at the staging area, they become a new team and will move out together. If four people show up, only the first three will be the new team.

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Airsoft Basics: Bounding and Cover Fire, And how to up your game
Common Airsoft Misconceptions: Orange Tips and Safety
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