August 14, 2009
Straight from Madbull:
To all Airsoft players and customers,
About a week ago, a few Airsoft players show us an article: “The Madbull and G&G Bio BB Scam”
We don’t know who wrote this article but this article says MadBull BB are not Biodegradable and is a Scam.
To find out the truth, I fly back to Taiwan and meet the sales reprehensive on Aug. 3rd.
We contact the Japan material supplier immediately and we have the following response email from Japan headquarter.
As a BB manufacture, we have to choose the most reliable source of materials to make our BB. We choose Japan P-life to make our Bio BB. (more…)

FORT JACKSON, S.C. — What began as a popular form of civilian entertainment is being tested on Fort Jackson as a possible new way to train Soldiers preparing to head to a combat zone.
The 187th Ordnance Battalion is operating a pilot program designed to test the feasibility of using Airsoft weapons to train Soldiers to cope with real-world combat situations such as forward operating base operations and force protection.
Airsoft weapons are replicas of their military counterparts, but fire plastic pellets instead of bullets. Airsoft is widely used by civilians who enjoy organizing military simulations and historical reenactments.
Training cadre with the unit are finding that Airsoft is an ideal way to teach Soldiers valuable lessons about combat.
“It gives them more realistic, outcome-based training,” said Sgt. 1st Class Richard Hunt, module chief for the battalion. “Now they know when they get hit during a training exercise.”