I know many of you are really digging the Magpul PTS Masada, but at the same time you are not really digging the price tag. Well you’re in luck because the A&K Masada in Black is now available at Airsoft GI. We keep our word with our preorder etas. The A&K Masada is only $290, that’s almost a $200 savings over the M…agpul Masada!
Airsoft GI is proud to introduce the new promotion to help save you money. Everyday we will drastically cut the price on a few random items. These Price cuts can be up to 50% off and when you use a coupon code it will add up for even more saving. The Items will go on sale at 12pm and will be on sale until 12am. There are no rain checks if you missed the item so make sure you stay posted for these great deals. The New deals will be Posted Everyday on our Facebook Page: Airsoft Gi. And there will soon be a Shockers page on our website so keep your eye open for that as well. The Shocker promotion is good online as well as in our walk-in store.
GI Shocker Rules
Valid from 12PM to 12AM
No rain checks
No returns/exchanges/refunds
Valid online and in the retail store
Warranties are still Valid
Discount Codes can still be applied
This contest is still live. I’m sure many of you are waiting for the last minute to get your submissions in, but don’t wait too long, and remember the rules for submitting. If you don’t follow the strict format your video will not be considered. Just in case you forgot here is the announcement video:
New way to play Airsoft: Put your battery into buttstock!
Use high performance stock-fit LiPO battery to power up your AEG.
MadBull’s ACE M4 stock tube is designed for MadBull PX-04, SOCOMGEAR AEG-07, and KA’s stock-fit LiPObatteries.
MadBull’s stock tube has the following features:
Made of T6 Aluminum, Like real rifle (Most of other Airsoft brands are using cheap alloy)
Lightest weight in the market 3oz only, compared to other alloy made tube (>6oz)
Anodized anti-scratch finish. (Other brands can only paint it because of the ally material.)
QD end cap for fast battery changing. Other brands are still using old school methods.
Extra slot for easy wiring
25.99mm inner diameter for stock-fit LiPO batteries