
Author: michaelo

Why do I love Airsoft

There is not a single reason why I love Airsoft. There’s quite a few actually. It gets me outside, it takes strategizing, I usually interact with others, and it’s a ton of fun. While these seem like typical reasons why anyone would say they love anything it really is the way I genuinely feel about Airsoft.

Being outside is one of my favorite things to do. Whether I’m playing Airsoft, going on a hike, playing a sport with my friends; I’d much rather be outside doing something rather than being at home getting progressively more bored as the day goes on. Yes, Airsoft can be played both indoors and outdoors. I personally prefer outdoors because I don’t get as fogged or stuffy in the air while playing outdoors. In-between rounds you can get the breeze on your face to help cool you off. The smell of the fresh air after landing that 250 ft. shot that went through 2 windows to hit the guy just above his plate carrier. Nothing can beat it.


While playing it takes a lot of strategizing in order to complete your objective. Most games are just a force vs force (Team Deathmatch Styled) the objective styled games are what I truly enjoy the most. The key to winning an objective based game is trying to predict what your opponent would do. The path they are likely to take, the points they are likely to hold, the weak points they may leave exposed. After playing at a field for so long you learn the lesser travelled routes and you can expose weak points that people rarely defend. Using this knowledge can help you with taking control of any objective based game.


Every time I go to play Airsoft it is almost always with a group of people. It gives us the opportunity to work together and get to know how we react and where our weak points are. We work together to cover the others weaknesses and maximize our strengths. After playing and working with someone for so long it becomes second nature on how to communicate with minimal words and almost becomes instinct with what to do. The few times I go to a field by myself I’ll try to find a small group to join up with for the day. Communicating with them as much as possible so by the end of the day we kind of have a bit of chemistry to where we can effectively work without saying anything. This also opens the door to making new friends to play with so you always have someone to play with.

We all play Airsoft for one important reason. It’s an incredibly fun hobby! We get to be with our friends, plan out our attack/defend strategies, and being in the great outdoors. There’s always a great experience awaiting with every round of Airsoft you get in. So pick up your gear and get out and play!

Why do people quit playing airsoft?

I’m sure we’ve all had a friend or 2 that got us into airsoft and made us fall in love with this great hobby. I personally have been playing for over 9 years and have seen more than my share of people come and go. Some couldn’t afford to keep going, some had a really bad experience, some just got tired and burnt out with airsoft. I found myself seemingly getting to that point.

The people who quit because it’s too expensive are incredibly hard to get to stick around. Everybody’s financial situation is different and it can be a very sensitive subject for some. $100 to you may be nothing, but to someone else it could be the difference between getting gas to go to work, or even paying rent for the month. The only stance you may be able to take as a friend trying to convince someone to keep going is remind them about how much fun they have and if it’s worth it to stop the great relief.


The unfortunate souls who’ve had the pleasure of meeting that guy with a maxed out settings HPA system on their first time playing pretty much get the worst experience on their first time out. That is pretty much all it is, the worst experience they’ll get. Remind them that 99% of the time it wont be that bad of a hit and there’s likely not going to be anything worse than that. Re-assure them that if they can survive that, they can survive anything.


Personally I’ve felt burnt out from playing for a small period and I did get bored of playing. The biggest thing that had changed for me and re-invigorated my love for the game was a simple change in primary weaponry. I sold my AEG and bought a KWA LM4. I had owned a GBBR previously but simply couldn’t afford to run it regularly at the time but now that I could I thought I’d give it another try. I fell in love all over again and have not looked back since. Another thing to keep Airsoft fresh is to try going to a new field or attend a bigger/different style event.


All in all, there is always a way you can argue someone should continue to play. At the end of the day, you can’t force someone to stick around that doesn’t want to be around. That absolutely doesn’t mean you should let them quit without a fight. Remember these points and you might be able to keep your battle buddy with you.