
Author: Airsoft GI

Tactical Response Unleashed

tru eventMy first experience with Tactical Response Unleashed (TRU, for short) came in the days leading up to the opening of Airsoft GI’s east coast store GI Tactical, located in Chesterfield, VA. TRU was originally designed as a law enforcement and hand-to-hand combat training facility and as such had multiple padded martial arts rooms, a briefing area with tent, armory, overhead walkway for viewing action, as well as two small cqb sections for the use of airsoft guns.

[Note: this is a photo taken before TRU changed the field to accommodate more airsoft gameplay]tru3During our first visit there were a few things that surprised us that are worth mentioning. Firstly, on their main law enforcement cqb course, the targets that would pop up for us to shoot would actually shoot back if they were not engaged quickly enough. We were subtly warned about this but, it honestly took me getting shot in the forehead for me to take both adequate use of cover and the warning I got from the staff about the targets more seriously.

[Note: this is a photo taken before TRU changed the field to accommodate more airsoft gameplay]tru4


AAR Rebel Training Camp: Northern Resistance Game 4

Well, if I thought Game 3 was hard I was certainly in for a fight in Game 4 because for this mission Josh’s team would have all 3 vehicles and I would have 1 RPG complete with 2 reloads as well as two packs of C4, all of which I was supposedly able to resupply during the game through the game staff. After seeing the deftness with which Josh’s team was able to take apart my vehicle formations I felt confident my team could do the same. Fate was not to be completely on my side for this game however…

In addition to switching out vehicles for explosives, we were also switching sides so that each team had the same exact objectives (marked as red X’s) and field layout to make the days events as fair as possible. You can see the starting positions in the photo below which was created with total awesomeness in a program you’ve probably never heard of before called MS Paint. Josh’s Team is shown below starting in the green box whereas my team is shown starting in the orange box.

game 4 starting pos and obj

AAR Rebel Training Camp: Northern Resistance Game 3

So, this is where the day got really crazy! Both games 3 & 4 had not only the capture rules in effect, but they also had multiple vehicles, rocket launchers, and C4 props. Overall the games were very exciting, however, because of all the extra things we decided to throw in, it certainly got to be a little bit harder to follow even for myself.

game 3

The scenarios for Games 3 & 4 were essentially the same with each team switching sides and objectives so that both teams got equal time fighting with and then against vehicles.



AAR Rebel Training Camp: Northern Resistance Game 2

The second evolution in the Rebel Training Camp: Northern Resistance was centered on 4 newly-constructed destroyable buildings that Gamepod Combat Zone staff had just fabricated in the days leading up to the event. Essentially, they were air cannons filled with pancake mix that could be detonated using two audio cables and a detonator with a single red button. This system could actually be moved around to just about any building in the complex, making search and destroy scenarios almost endlessly variable. In addition, Gamepod staff tested which powder mixes were the easiest to wipe off of gear and found that flour is the worst/hardest to clean off of gear and pancake mix was by far the easiest.

After all, it can be very invigorating to destroy an objective but to have that followed up with powder that is hard to clean off gear can be a frustrating situation. Thankfully, with a little play testing by the Gamepod staff, disaster was averted and a ridiculous new game prop was created!


©2014 Terrence Taylor

So, I’m sure you are wondering what the setup and force dispositions were for this game. Luckily, using MS Paint like a complete champ, I have created a diagram which you can see below that shows my forces’ starting position in orange, Josh’s forces’ starting position in green, as well as the objective buildings for each side marked with an X of the corresponding color. Each team had to destroy their objective buildings as well as prevent the enemy from destroying their own respective buildings. Overall, this was a very fun game with quite a few heart pumping moments, so let’s get into how the game went!

rtc game 2 objectives buildings


AAR Rebel Training Camp: Northern Resistance Game 1

training camp north

So, I had planned the first game of RTC: Northern Resistance to be relatively simple with the following games adding more and more complexity to the day. For the first mission there were no capture rules and only 5 crates randomly place on the battlefield along with a nuke in the center that had to be recovered. Josh’s forces started just next to the airport and behind the clinic whereas my forces were starting at the Drive-in Movie Theater.

rtc game 1 start pos

[The orange box with shows Bob’s starting location and the green box shows Josh’s starting location.]

My initial plan was to have my forces hit all four main streets and push as far as they could until they encountered heavy resistance. I knew that I had to stake my claim on as much of the battlefield as I could early on to achieve success for this mission. Half of my forces went to the left and the right of the drive-in movies rushing straight down 1st and 2nd street with the rest of my forces proceeding further left then rushing down 3rd and 4th. I expected this shock assault to give my forces at least a few minutes of breathing room to find the Nuke which was, for this game, worth a fair amount of points.

rtc game 1 objectives[In the photo above, weapons-grade uranium cases are marked with a red “X” and the nuclear warhead is denoted with a red “N.” ]
