
Author: Airsoft GI

Back in Black | ASGI Bill’s Rig


Originally written by ASGI Bill

Recently I was in the market for a new plate carrier as my trusty Condor Quick Release Plate Carrier was slowly wearing out from 4 years of hard abuse. After talking to Bob about his setup (as well as trying on his plate carrier) I chose the Specter MPC plate carrier in black as I have always like black gear. I understand that is may not be as hip or cool as the newest camo (cough* multicam, cough*) or anything in tan, but I has always given me the PMC/Mercenary look I try to go for. Let me tell you, this plate carrier is well worth the price, and I plan to always buy American made plate carriers from now on, as it is built like a Mack truck and can take a beating.


If you have ever seen my loadout, I carry a lot of stuff, and I mean A LOT. On the front of my plate carrier I have 3 Tactical Tailor pouches, each holding two magazines a piece, and next to those, I have two High Speed Gear TACO pouches with pistol TACO’s attached. These are my “I need to reload 5 seconds ago” pouches. On my chest I have a Condor admin pouch where I proudly wear my Defenders of Liberty patch and Team Airsoft GI Patch. Besides patches, that is where I put my wallet, keys, and any random little items.


Bill and his M16


Originally written by AirsoftGI Bill

Ever since I started airsofting, I have been a fan of the M16.  Not only because of the long barrel, and large battery space, but to me it is the Genesis of the M4 platform, the one that started it all.  My first venture into airsoft was with an AGM M16, bare bones with no upgrades. Through holidays and using my hard earned cash, I saved and bough and NC Star Red Dot scope which I super glued (yes, you read that right. It was glued) to the carry handle of my gun. You might think this would be a problem when I wanted to change the sight, but in the end I just popped it off with a little extra elbow grease and everything seemed fine externally. At this point I was running that gun with the old school Vietnam style heat shield (Mainly because I loved the movie Predator). Eventually, I purchased a Madbull Noveske Rail System and brought my gun into the “Modern Age”.


About a year later my gun sadly died and it was time for a new one. I saved enough for an ICS M16. I transferred all my accessories over to my ICS and I was ready. I felt unstoppable with that gun. I had finally learned to tech a bit and had installed different gears, a tight bore inner barrel, different bucking, etc. That rifle lasted me a solid 4 years of use and abuse. It had seen the last of its days and it was time to upgrade once again.


AAR | Assault on Antioch Scenario One

AoA_poster2-big (1)Before I get to the nitty gritty details of how Scenario One of Assault on Antioch went, I would like to thank Spartan Imports for sponsoring the event which made it possible! spartan_importsYou can check them out on Facebook by clicking on the link: Spartan Imports

I think it’s best that anyone reading this take a look at the action footage first to get a feel for how the game went as well as how AWESOME Gamepod Combat Zone really is! Since the scenario is themed around the Yellowstone caldera exploding and throwing much of the continental United States into complete anarchy, many of the objectives/scenarios have a post apocalyptic theme. As far as scenario one is concerned here is the list of objectives along with a map of the field:

Primary Objectives: Identify Objective buildings and relay that information to your team’s commanders. Objective buildings include the Water Purification Plant, Food Processing Facility, Small Arms Warehouse, and Vehicle Bay. Each building identified is worth 3 points.

Secondary Objectives: Recover Food and water in the form of water bottles and MREs and return them to your teams supply cache. Water bottles are worth 1 point and MREs are worth 2 points.


Assault on Antioch Warn Order

AoA_poster2-big (1) A lot of folks who were not at Assault on Antioch were curious how the game was setup and what the specific objectives were. To give an overview, I’ve decided to post the Warn Order that was issued to game control in order to give a fuller view on what the weekend’s objectives were.

Before you read the Warn Order you might as well check out our first teaser video showing off some of the action footage from the game: Well, without further ado, here is the Warn Order:


A super volcano has erupted out of Yellowstone National Park, covering the majority of the United States in ash and darkness for an estimated three to five years. This has affected all aspects of normal every day life. Food prices have skyrocketed as crops are destroyed due to lack of sunlight. A majority of animal life in the Western United States is no longer able to sustain itself in an eco system that has been ripped apart, and the fabric of civil society has been rent asunder with the complete collapse of local and state governments.

Emergency sustainment zones have already been quietly built all across the United States for the continuation of the American way of life in just such a disaster. Unfortunately because of widespread civilian casualties and a nation-wide communications breakdown due to the volcanic eruption, basic civil services, power, as well as water infrastructure, along with the rule of law have collapsed all across the Western US. Groups of armed civilians flock to the last remaining shelters against devastation on the West coast.

The last remaining emergency sustainment zone remains open and untouched in Antioch, CA. Two caravans of armed civilians now head toward its fully stocked caverns from both the north and the south with room enough for only one group. The fight is on for survival. Do you have what it takes to weather the storm? (more…)

Assault on Antioch Overview


Coming up on July 12th & 13th is Airsoft GI’s  “Assault on Antioch” sponsored by Spartan Imports; a post apocalyptic themed game held at Gamepod Combat Zone in Antioch, Ca. It will be Gamepod’s first ever 2-day operation and the first time Airsoft GI has worked with an indoor field to provide on-location camping/dining between both days.


We always like working with Gamepod Combat Zone because not only is it a great field that gets better and better each time we visit, but their staff are also consummate professionals and love airsoft about as much as we do!


I would like to say a very special thank you to Spartan Imports for sponsoring this game and giving us a boat load of raffle prizes that I’m sure will make everyone’s day that much more enjoyable!!! (more…)