How does Airsoft GI Make an Event?

Have you ever wondered how Airsoft GI Events come to be? After a hard fought BB Wars Event, have you ever been curious as to how we make them happen? Dave from our Texas store (who also happens to be the man responsible for coordinating a lot of the games here at GI) is pulling back the curtain on some of the magic (but not all, that wouldn’t be any fun now would it) so you can see how we make things happen!

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It’s pretty simple stuff actually. Once the people running the event (whether it’s Dave, Zach and the Virginia guys, or the fine folks in California) decide on a theme, it’s really a pretty simple process. Dave’s secret to success is just printing off maps that allow him to doodle, draw, and get a better overhead view of the flow of a game.

D14 Event Map
This is the map that Dave uses to create games at D14. It’s a little outdated, but it’s such a great view of the field to plan out objectives.

It is very important however, to be cognizant of the possible options for maneuvering and lanes of fire at the field you’re trying to plan a game for. Experience plays a key part in all of this, and you have to keep balance and player enjoyment at the forefront of your mind during this process. If you can’t keep the players on both sides happy, without relying on a team “winning” to have fun, you need to rethink your design until it doesn’t matter who is winning at any given moment. From there, it’s about making sure everyone feels like they have something to do, or otherwise has a quick, easy, and efficient means of finding out what to do. Easy to identify objectives that can be explained in one giant briefing to teams is a huge help, but having other options in your back pocket like a FRAGO card or a quick mission system to be dispensed by a commander or an admin are also great ideas!

Lastly, you need to take into account the scale of the game. It’s really easy to get your head filled with ideas for awesome set piece moments that you’d love to see in your game, but you have to factor in budget, and the number of players attending. If possible, always try to work your scenarios out to have a sliding scale of viability so that as more players sign up, and you have a larger budget to work with, you can create more vibrant, exciting encounters. This is where preorder sales of tickets come in big. Unlike preordering in other hobbies (like Video Games for example), presales of tickets have a HUGE impact on making an event happen. The sooner you prepurchase a ticket, the sooner we can start planning to make the game even better for YOU! Quicker presales also means more sponsors for the event, which helps with budget and things like the raffles you’ve all come to love from all of us here at Airsoft GI!

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