A message from Madbull Airsoft : MadBull NEW Bio PLA BB availabe now!
December 22, 2010
Right after we got bio-gradable ASTM D6954 certificate for our P-LIFE Bio BB, we decided to release the other kind of Bio BB which is very popular in Europe and some parts of USA. That is 100% PLA BBs.
We will have 4 different PLA options: 0.20g, 0.23g, 0.25g and 0.28g. All of them are 3000 rounds and pack into 100% bio-degradable MILK cartons.
To be one of the Airsoft industry leaders, MadBull keeps putting its efforts on R&D and trying its best to keep it green.
95% of MadBull package are using brown recycle carton
MadBull have both P-Life and PLA Bio BB. Both of them are well-known Bio materials
Now, we put PLA Bio BB into paper carton which is totally recy
Enjoy our green products!