Maintenance Required – Don’t Let This Happen to You!
November 6, 2017
You may not realize it, but your airsoft gun requires maintenance. You don’t need to strip the whole thing down and clean it every time you shoot it, but you should take some simple preventative measures in order to save yourself some heart-ache in the long run.
This is a cylinder head from one of the guns in our tech queue. There is sand coated on the inside of the cylinder and beaten in to the piston head. It also destroyed the o-ring on the piston head.
Fine grains of sand and even dirt and grime can cause catastrophic failures in your AEG and GBB guns. You need to properly clean and maintain them. Don’t go tossing them in a sand bar or worse and hope for the best. Simple barrel cleaning can prevent a lot of this as the barrel isĀ a direct access route for foulant to enter your gun. Consistent maintenance will aide your gun in always placing your desired shot.
Unfortunately, this gun needs new gears, bearings, piston, piston head, nozzle, cylinder, cylinder head, and even wiring after shredding the internals due to small fragments of sand. This is considered a catastrophic failure and would have been completely prevented with regular upkeep.
Just like in a real firearm, airsoft guns have tolerances for excess material like sand. But if that material wont move, the gun will break and it could be as bad as this. Maintenance is one of the easiest things to do in an airsoft replica.
Clean your barrels.
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