Can the new JAG Scattergun Hit at Long Range?

JAG Scatter Gun

The biggest question on the minds of any airsofter interesed in new JAG Scattergun Airsoft Shotgun has been the same.

“How Far does it shoot?”

Dave from our Texas store took this beauty to the range at D14 Airsoft and took it direct to the source. With the help of a good friend of Dave’s, Tony P. (Thanks Dude!) we were able to deduce the effective range of this brand new airsoft option for our loyal readers.

Click Past the Jump to See it in Action!

As you can see, it clocked a confirmed hit at a startling 150 feet! Additional testing proved that this gun could reliably hit out at that distance as well, clocking several more confirmed hits through out the testing process off camera. We tested the gun out at longer distances and found that when we weren’t fighting the wind, we were even able to hit significantly farther out, albeit less consistently, making shots out past two hundred feet of distance. This is an unheard of level of performance for an airsoft shotgun, and a far cry from the classic spring powered tri-shot guns of years past.

Curious what makes these guns such awesome options for close quarters, and also long range? Zach from our Virginia store has a quick overview on one of the other options for these awesome blasters! Take a look as he examines the tactical model they received for testing, one of six different options available at Airsoft GI.


As you can See, The options are endless for how you can configure these airsoft guns. The JAG Scattergun is a fantastic choice for the discerning CQB player or anyone looking for a versatile option for Field and MOUT play.



Would you like to Preorder a JAG Shotgun? click the link below!

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