
Month: February 2012

Bob Vs. Tim II – Footage From the Battle!

Check out some of the awesome footage that we were able to get from the entire day at Desert Fox Fields. All the action is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat!

GITV Blog Editor-in-Chief Giveaway!

For a chance to win this free gun, read the rules below!

Hey guys, it’s me, Andrew “Hong Kong Haley”, the Editor-in-Chief of GITV Blog. One of you lucky son of a gun will be receiving this gun, WE 5.1 High Capa K Version, for free. All you need to do is to figure outThe Phrase That Pays”. Starting on 03/01/2012, there will be hidden word(s) in my articles. Gather all 5 words to form “The Phrase That Pays”. On 03/12/2012, I will post a status update on Airsoft GI Facebook, asking what the phrase that pays is. The first one to answer it correctly will receive this gun (must be our Facebook fan as well). So pay attention to our Facebook, and read my articles for a chance to win this awesome airsoft gun!

Official Rules & additional information:

1) Must be Airsoft GI Facebook Fan (click “like” on the Airsoft GI Facebook page)

2) Tell your friend to “like” Airsoft GI Facebook page.

3) Collect all 5 words to form “The Phrase that Pays” (1 word per article)

4) The first one who answer Airsoft GI’s Facebook Status update correctly on 03/12/2012 will be the winner.

5) Share this on your Facebook wall.

6) Share this on your Facebook Wall.

7) Share this on your Facebook Wall.

8 ) If this goes well, we will have more giveaway!

9) Share this on your Facebook wall.

10) US only, Winner must have a United State Address!

The first word will be in tomorrow article (03/01/2012)! So airsofters, come back tomorrow and read!

Airsoft GI – Your Low Price Leader for All Your Airsoft Need

Want some good deals, CHECK THESE OUT

Hey guys, Airsoft GI knows the economy is tough, so we created some kick a$$ deals for you!

Lancer Tactical – Affordable Options for Airsoft!

Lancer Tactical MK18.

The Lancer Tactical M4 CQBR MK18 Sport Class is the most affordable airsoft gun to date. Pricing at only $95, it is perfect for everyone who is starting out in the sport of airsoft.


SEALs Weapons, BRO!

The Navy SEALs CQB Kit, MP5 and Sig 226

As most of you would agree with me, the United States Navy SEALs is probably the most elite special operation unit in the world. The most notorious terrorist leader was taken out by one of the Navy SEALs team. Of course, special teams require special weapon systems.

MK18 and Sig Wallpaper

After long and extensive research, the Navy SEALs use numerous different types of weapon systems to enhance their performance and help them accomplish their missions. Since it is going to be a long list, I am going to focus on the one that I think is the most significant and most critical. Your opinion may differ, but stop hating.
